Hi Classmates!
Please save this date for our last gathering before our 60th Reunion in 2026.
Edmonds Park, SHELTER #2, Reserved: 9 am to 9 pm***
*** I've rented the space for all day, that way anyone who may want to hang out and visit all afternoon can do so! No need to rush off.
FRIDAY: AUGUST 22 RAFFLE: NOON SHARP (Tickets $1/each or SIX for $5)
The Class will provide:
Bottled water, coffee, muffins, and a fruit platter.
Coffee cups, plates, napkins and plasticware
If you would like to bring something to share, feel free! As usual, you may bring a sack lunch with your beverage of choice.
Lisha will be organizing the Raffle and, as always, if you would give her a call/text or email of what you'd like to bring for the raffle it would be appreciated. If you are unable to do that, please bring your Raffle donations no later than 11 AM, Thank You!!!!
Lisha English: 425-293-7378 lishaf@msn.com
This reminder will be sent through our website
I will also post this notice on our FaceBook:
Edmonds High Class of 1966
If you would like to donate to the 60th Reunion (date to be determined in 2026) or to the cost of our Advertisement-Free website, there are links on our Home Page. Any questions? feel free to call or text me, please provide your name. 360-301-6219 or email: gaylethorne66@gmail.com
Hope to see you on August 22nd and thanks in advance for your participation.
On behalf of our EHS 1966 Class thanks again for your participation,
Gayle (Armistead) Thorne